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All students (new players and returning players) must complete the following to be eligible to play any sport:

  • GPA must be at least 2.0 on the previous report card
  • Must pass a minimum of 4 classes on the previous report card
  • May not have more than 1 “U” (unsatisfactory) in citizenship on the previous report card
  • Must be enrolled in at least 4 classes during the time in which he/she is playing in a sport.
  • Must maintain satisfactory progress towards meeting graduation requirements (25 credits per semester). Summer school will be counted towards this goal.
  • Students with a verified truancy from class(es) may become ineligible for the next extracurricular, interschool activity.


  • Waivers may be obtained one time during a student’s 4 years in a CNUSD high school if the student has passed a minimum of 4 classes and/or if the student has no more than 2 unsatisfactory citizenship marks on their previous report card. Waivers may not be used more than once during a student’s high school career. We don't encourage 9th graders to use their one time waivers.

Notification of Eligibility

  • Eligibility/ineligibility shall occur on the first school day following the school-wide distribution of grades.
  • NHS staff shall immediately notify student’s parents of the student ineligibility.
  • Ineligible students are not permitted to wear the uniform/attire of the team/club/squad at extracurricular activities.

Summer School

  • To replace a grade obtained in a class during the previous (4th quarter) grading period, the student must take the same class in Summer School.
  • Classes taking in Summer School that are not exact repeats of what the student failed previously will not count either for or against the student.
  • Classes taken that constitute new work will be considered an additional class and averaged with the classes taken during the previous grading period when determining the student’s GPA.
  • Under no circumstances will a Summer School class make a student ineligible who was previously eligible.

Intermediate School Student Eligibility

  • Students entering high school must adhere to the same standards as high school students (i.e. must have passed 4 classes, must have 2.0, and no more than 1 “U” for citizenship)

Board Policies

CNUSD Board Policy 5320: Extracurricular Activities
CNUSD Board Policy 5321: Eligibility Requirements

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